Nursing books

ISBN: 9781508228721
Title: Attending Medicine, Mindfulness, and Humanity (audiobook)
Author: Epstein, Ronald
ISBN: 9781101561812
Title: God's Hotel: A Doctor, a Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine
Author: Sweet, Victoria
God's Hotel
ISBN: 9781886624719
Title: See Me as a Person: Creating Therapeutic Relationships with Patients and Their Families
Author: Koloroutis, Mary & Trout, Michael
ISBN: 9781599474380
Title: Spirituality in Patient Care: Why, How, When, and What
Author: Koenig, Harold G.
ISBN: 9780767931410
Title: Every Patient Tells a Story: Medical Mysteries and the Art of Diagnosis
Author: Sanders, Lisa
ISBN: 9780393711400
Title: Trans Kids and Teens: Pride, Joy, and Families in Transition
Author: Nealy, Elijah C.
ISBN: 9780812988413
Title: When Breath Becomes Air
Author: Kalanithi, Paul & Verghese, Abraham
ISBN: 9781452484150
Title: Taking Care of Precious Ones
Author: Neckien, Carrie

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Clinical Key for Nursing
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Lexicomp Searchable by condition, procedure or as discharge instructions. Or you can type in your search.

Natural MedicinesSupplements & Herbs. Tools for checking interactions, effectiveness, nutrient depletion possibility, adverse affects and more. Available in English, Spanish and French.

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